Barking - When is it too much?

Unchecked barking can become a habit and a nuisance. If yours is a more vocal Havanese, there are many things you can do to bring overbarking under control. Training is the first priority. Teaching a "Quiet" or "That's enough" command will stand you in good stead as will teaching acceptable limits. Sounding an alert is acceptable; non-stop barking is not. After a few barks, distract your dog or call him away to stop barking. Some owners have found a shaker can useful. Indoor use ultrasonic correction devices are available which deliver a warning sound for continued barking. These do not prevent alert barking as 2-5 barks are still allowed before a correction tone is emitted but they may help curb prolonged overbarking. Some owners have found that limiting outdoor views can help dramatically. While keeping curtains drawn is an alternative, some have found that applying semi transparent window cling film to the lower portion of the window where your Havanese look out, goes a long way to minimize barking at outdoor motivators. Semi transparency allows natural light while still blurring the view out. Less triggers mean less barking. For sound-sensitive Havanese, leaving a television or radio on during absences may help mask sound triggers.
Havanese crave and need the companionship and attention of their families and do not do well left alone for long periods. Havanese are a house dog and lengthy unattended outdoor sojourns should be rare situations so outdoor nuisance barking is less likely to develop. If outdoor barking is an issue, there is an assortment of antibarking products on the market. Beware of antibarking devices designed for larger breeds as they can deliver too strong of a correction for a small dog. If you must choose an electronic device, choose one designed for a toy breed. Citronella collars and permanent mount ultrasonic devices are two options to curb outdoor barking. Both of these are of limited however and have mixed reviews. While they may be useful tools they are no substitute for attention and training.
While some Havanese do bark more than others and overbarking may be an issue for some, thankfully few are nuisance barkers.