Book Reviews
There are several books about Havanese available for purchase.
"PAWPRINTS:The Joys Of Life With A Havanese Puppy "
Soft cover, 168 pages, fully illustrated. Sells for $19.95CND. ISBN: 978-0-9810997-2-9
One of my own publications which covers all the ins and outs of owning and raising a Havanese puppy.
Highlights all the little quirks and idiosyncracies that make the Havanese so special and unique, details that cannot be found in general all-breed books.
Pawprints is a comprehensive guide to owning and raising one of these delightful little charmers.
A valuable resource for first-time Havanese owners, and perfect for breeders to inlcude in puppy packs.
The book has been reviewed by Claire Paulson. Read the book review here
"FROM NOSE TO TAIL " A must-have grooming handbook from the Havanese Fanciers of Canada. Written by Havanese owners for Havanese owners in a simple easy-to-read format. Soft cover spiral bound, 202 pages, colour illustrated, published by Artbookbindery. Sells for $24.95CND. ISBN: 978-0-9810997-4-3
Included is step by step information and instruction on basic maintenance, line brushing, bathing and
blowdrying, foot care, keeping the head hair out of the eyes, pet styles and much much more.
From Nose to Tail isan in-depth detailed book of the most asked about aspects of Havanese grooming.
This book is curently only available through the Havanese Fanciers of Canada. See the Havanese Fanciers
website fororder information. This is a publishers best seller with thousands of copies been sold
around the world.
A general Havanese book is "Havanese (Complete Pet Owner's Manual) "
by Nikki Rigbey.
Paperback book, 96 pages, published by Baron's Educational Series. Sells for $ 7.99 on Amazon. ISBN: 0764133896
From the Book Description "This longhaired toy breed makes a fine companion for dog lovers young and old. Books in the comprehensive and popular Barron's Complete Pet Owner's Manuals series advise on feeding, health care, housing, and all other important aspects of responsible pet ownership. Each title is individually written from first page to last by a pet trainer, veterinarian, or other pet-care specialist. All Complete Pet Owner's Manuals are filled with high-quality photos and instructive line art."
JOYOUS HAVANESE 8x11 size, soft cover, 196 pages, KB Publications. The Joyous Havanese can be
ordered through most book stores or online at Barnes and Noble and Amazon. ISBN is: 0-9720585-2-4.
Kathryn Braund's Joyous Havanese include a history of the Havanese, breed standards and chapters on grooming and health issues as well many entertaining anecdotes of life and living with a Havanese. This book even contains a chapter devoted to the Havanese in Canada. This chapter highlights the history of the breed in Canada from the first imported dogs to the present day Havanese champions. The book contains many marvellous photos, both colour and black&white to be enjoyed by all. Although about 1/3 of the book deals with breeding, whelping ,raising a Havanese litter and other advanced topics, "Joyous" is a delightful book to be enjoyed by anyone who owns a Havanese or is thinking of adding one to their family. It would make a fine addition to any fancier's bookshelf. Kathryn's engaging writing style keeps readers enthralled from beginning to end. (Pat Parkhouse)
"THE HAVANESE" by Diane Klumb & Joanne Baldwin DVM is a 160 page
sized soft cover book. Direct and to the point, this is an easy to read,
fundamental book which addresses important breed specific issues while
bypassing a lot of generic dog information found in too many publications. The
Havanese is a wonderful
handbook for new owners as well as anyone researching the breed prior to
adopting a Havanese. This book provides comprehensive
information on Havanese health and genetics, feeding, raising, training and
grooming Havanese. Serious topics are balanced with whimsical insights into the
playful and delightful quirks of the Havanese breed. While geared primarily for
newcomers to the breed, "The Havanese" is just as informative and relevant to
experienced breeders and Havanese owners. The text is interspersed with a
wonderful selection of photographs. "The Havanese" is available in a print-on-
demand format through It may also be available at Chapters/Indigo.
"The Havanese" is available in a full colour version as well as a more economical
black and white format.
BICHON HAVANESE Fully illustrated, hard cover book, 165pages. Copies can be ordered from
Amazon Books (UK) or Book World International and are occasionally found Ebay and chapters/Indigo. The book's Cuban author,
Zoila Portuondo Guerra, is the founder and past president
of the Cuban Kennel Club as well as the founder and
first president of the Habanero Club of Cuba. The author's extensive research has
attempted to sort through the lore, fact and fiction and presents a
historical progression that incorporates facets of the many other
theories long held in popular belief. This is a very thoughtful well researched
book about the breed that covers not only the breed's history and
development but also many other topics such as breed characteristics, choosing a Havanese,
general care, maintenance, grooming, breeding and showing. The text is highlighted with many useful " Did You Know? " tips as well as over 100
wonderful photographs of Havanese from around the world. Somewhat jarring to the senses is a
chapter on disease illustrated with large photos of assorted parasites.
Overall though, it is a lovely book and a wonderful addition to your book
Complete And Reliable Handbook by
Dorothy Goodale. Just the fact that the author is the very same person who was
in saving and rebuilding the breed makes us sit up and take note. The bulk
of the book is full of useful information about raising, training and living
with a Havanese. Much of the information is basic but it is quite thorough
and covers a multitude of aspects of dog ownership and is well written and
easy to read and understand. The text is interspersed with full colour
illustrations that beautifully highlight the Havanese's delightful appearance
and winsome personality. Unfortunately, this book published with a lot of
generic material which could be about any breed. According to Dorothy,
several parts of her original material were edited out and are not in the final publication, which is
shame as she has so much valuable information to share about the breed.
"Havanese" by Dorothy Goodale is available through T.F.H. publications in the U.S.A . It may also be available through Chapters/Indigo and occasionally on E-Bay.