Homemade toys
You can spend a fortune on dog toys of every description. But, just like children who enjoy the boxes and wrapping more than the gift inside, puppies can be well entertained with toys of little or no cost. There are many small toys you can make easily at home. Note: The following toys are meant for interactive play and not for unsupervised chewing.
Quick toys
Toss Bone: If you sew and have bits of fabric around the house, you can use the scraps to make toss and tug toys for your puppy to play with. This mini bone is very easy to make and just the right size for a small dog. You only need scraps of material and a small amount of stuffing. The best fabric to use is cotton, fleece and craft fabrics. Draw a fat bone shape on a piece of paper to make a pattern approximately 7inches long (~18cm) by 4inches (10cm) wide. Cut out 2 pieces of fabric. Pin the pieces with the right sides together. Sew a 1/4inch (6mm) seam all the way around, leaving a small opening for stuffing. Carefully clip the curves and turn the bone right side out. Fill it with stuffing and then slip stitch the opening shut. This toy does not make noise; however, if you wish, before filling, you can tuck in a purchased squeaker or one salvaged from an old or damaged toy.
Bottle toys
Many dogs love to play with empty bottles. There is little to do other than take an empty plastic bottle, rinse it and let it dry. Screw the cap back on. A bottle toy can be made from a small water bottle, a two litre soda bottle or any size in between. Some little tykes like the big toys too. You can make a rattle bottle just as easily, by placing a few pieces of kibble or dry macaroni in the bottle before resealing it. In case your puppy ruptures the bottle in play, it is important that your rattlers be edible. Do not use coins or pebbles. This toy is best for supervised play.Note: For extra security,you may put a ring of hot glue around the opening before screwing the cap back on to seal the cap in place so it cannot come off.
Knotted toys
Sock toys: The very easiest knot toy is to take a sock and tightly tie a knot in the middle. A second sock toy is quickly made; simply crumple a piece of brown paper, stuff it into a sock and then tie a knot near the opening. Dogs, especially puppies, love the crunchy sounds of this toy.
Fleece knots: From needing only seconds to minutes to make, these are inexpensive, easy to make toys that can be tossed in the washer and dryer as needed. Whip up a batch and get ready to play.
1 - Loop tug: Take one strip of fleece about 2inches (5cm) wide and 40 to 60 inches (100 to 150cm) long. Do not cut it. Fold it in thirds and tie a knot in the middle. Once knotted, this makes a toy about 10 to 15 inches (30 to 45cm) long with a tug loop as well as a tail on each end.
2 - Puppy knot: simply cut your 2inch (5cm) strips of fleece into pieces about eight to ten inches long (20 to 25cm). Take two or three pieces and tie a knot in the middle. This makes a very small knot toy just right for a puppy to play with; adults like them too!
3 - Braided tug: Cut a 2 inch (5cm) strip of fleece into three equal lengths 20 inches (50cm) long. Tie the three together in a knot at one end, leaving a few inches beyond the knot. Braid the strips below the knot, stretching the fleece slightly as you go. When you get close to the end, tie another knot. You now have a wonderful braided tug. You can make different length braided tugs using shorter or longer strips of fabric.