If you are like most people, ongoing controversy over vaccination protocols and frequency may have you worried and wondering about what is best for your pet. Vaccines carry risks as well as benefits. No vaccine is always effective, no vaccine is always safe and no vaccine is always necessary. Some Havanese breeders advocate avoiding certain immunizations for assorted reasons, including that certain diseases are rare and unlikely to be contracted, or that the disease is a minor illness that can be readily treated or that the vaccine may cause a reaction more severe than the actual illness would. So what do you do?
Thankfully, reactions in Havanese are not too common though they can and do occur. When you vaccinate your Havanese, keep your pet under close supervision for 24 hours if possible. Discuss with your veterinarian any reactions your Havanese may have had to prior vaccinations, as pre-treatment may be recommended.
Minor reactions commonly seen after a vaccination are tenderness, some lethargy, poor appetite and loose stools. These reactions are quite common in Havanese and should be mild and not last more than about 24 hours. The most serious reactions generally occur very quickly including anaphylactic shock which requires immediate treatment. Other, significant, but less severe reactions may develop more slowly over 6-12 hours. These can include pain, swelling, lethargy, loss of appetite, fever, panting, unsteady gait, scratching, shaking or trembling. These reactions are potentially serious and should be attended to by a Vet as soon as possible. Your Vet may give an anti-inflammatory and/or antihistamine to control the reaction. Some herbal and homeopathic remedies may help prevent or minimize vaccination reactions. Discuss with your Vet whether these may be suitable for your Havanese.
Your veterinarian knows the prevalence of diseases in your
area and is the
best person to suggest the specific vaccines needed for your Havanese.
Caution may be indicated with Corona, Lepto, Lyme, Rabies and 7in1 as these are
the most common for producing vaccine reactions and problems in Havanese.
In some cases, the vaccine is essential or highly important (such as Rabies), but in others, the risks of these
particular vaccinations may outweigh the benefits. Please discuss any concerns with your veterinarian. If any of these vaccines
are required for your Havanese, consider giving them individually and at least 2 weeks away from any other vaccinations.
Individual single entity products may trigger less reactions and, in the unfortunate chance that your pet does react, you will know exactly which
vaccination caused the reaction. This will allow you to avoid this vaccination in the future, or try an alternate brand/product,
or pre-treat with medication to reduce reactions if a booster is truly required or recommended.
1) Canine Coronavirus is an infectious intestinal infection. It generally only causes mild/moderate gastrointestinal symptoms and is a self-limiting short-lived disease. Note: Canine Coronavirus is not caused by Covid-19.
2) Leptospirosis lives in contaminated water and warm wet soil and may be carried and spread by rodents and wild animals. It can be found to varying degrees throughout the world and is most common in warm or tropical areas. If you are concerned because of a local outbreak, do check with your Vet as there are different types of leptospirosis and the active strain may be one that is not included in the standard vaccinations.
3) Lyme disease is a regional tick borne disease and more prevalent in certain areas. It is becoming more common and widespread. Depending on the region, anywhere from 1% to 50% of ticks may carry Lyme disease. Prevention of ticks and prompt removal can prevent this disease. A tick must be attached for 36-48 hours before transmitting disease carrying spirochetes, so transmission is not as likely as it at first seems. Check your Havanese thoroughly after outings, especially if you have been in tall grass or wooded areas where ticks like to congregate. Lyme disease is very different in dogs than it is in humans. 90% of infected dogs never develop any signs of disease. In dogs, serious complications, though possible, are quite rare, and in most cases, if caught early and treated promptly, Lyme disease is easily treated with ordinary antibiotics.
Rabies - The Rabies vaccine is strongly recommended or legally required in many areas and is generally a requirement for cross border travel with your pet. There is no cure or treatment for rabies once symptoms appear. Keeping your rabies vaccination up to date is important. There are rabies vaccines that need a booster annually while others only need a booster every three years. If possible, choose the 2 or 3 year vaccine. Ideally, where possible, the rabies vaccine should be give on its own at least two weeks away from other vaccines.
5) 7in 1 - This one should be avoided if at all posisble. The more entities that are present in a vaccine, the likelier it is to cause a reaction. As well, if 7 vaccines are given at once, if a reaction occurs, there is no way to know which one in particular caused the reaction.
In recent years, it has become widely accepted that over vaccination can cause serious health problems. Vaccines are improving all the time and provide more complete coverage and better protection than ever before. Dogs may not require yearly Boosters. Of course there is a huge range of belief within this with some still recommending annual re-vaccinations while others maintain that a single Booster is good for life. Approaches between these extremes may be better options. After the initial puppy series of vaccines is completed, many owners choose to repeat core-vaccines only every 3 years. Alternately, some prefer yearly titers to check immunity with subsequent single entity vaccinations given as needed. Please discuss options and local protocols with your veterinarian so you can make an informed choice in this matter and choose what is best for you and your Havanese.
updated May 2020